Blackouts – why do they happen and how to protect your home

In headlines, or in conversation, the term ‘blackout’ only ever evokes a sense of fear and confusion. During last week’s heatwave, Victoria experienced over 200,000 home and business outages, Sydney dealt with 45,000 outages and South Australia reportedly suffered 25,000 outages. Here’s how to protect your home from future blackouts. 

Over 270,000 homes and businesses suffered blackouts as a result, across Victoria, New South Wales South Australia.

People’s homes were without an energy supply to power the appliances they needed most during the heatwave, such as an air conditioner, pedestal fans and refrigerators.

Businesses too were affected; electronic payment systems were shut down and heavy energy appliances such as industrial fridges and freezers were without power to keep produce fresh.

Solar homeowners have taken their first step in reducing their dependency on the grid by installing a solar PV system on their home. However, during these blackout periods, they too are at risk of not having an energy supply, as the inverter is without power.

The solution to securing an energy supply during blackouts is a solar battery. By taking the next step to protect your household from blackouts, you can rest easy knowing the lights will be on and power will be running through your home.

…peace of mind knowing that if you have blackout protection

A solar battery in times of a blackout is much like a safety net and provides you with that peace of mind, that the lights will remain powered. When the power goes out, you can use the stored energy from your system to power appliances within your home.

You have peace of mind knowing that if you have blackout protection as part of your battery system, that in these times of great unrest, your household will have power.

The level of technology regarding solar batteries is the best it’s ever been. There are now batteries on the market to meet the specifications of the typical Australian solar homeowner. The Goanna Solar Battery is the latest innovation in storage, allowing for ultimate customisation and control.

Features of the Goanna Solar Battery include:

  • 2.9kWh storage capacity
  • Modular design
  • AC-Coupling
  • Built-in inverter
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Blackout Protection (UPS)

Blackouts during an Australian summer are becoming more common, so taking the initiative and adding a solar battery with blackout protection allows you to have that peace of mind.

Protect yourself from blackouts.